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Author Shelley M. Fisher, Ph.D releases her new book on leadership

“Nehemiah on Leadership: I Can’t Come Down” is a helpful exploration into the kind of leader Nehemiah was and the five dimensions of leadership, as reflected in his behavior and in the organizational setting. “Nehemiah on Leadership: I Can’t Come Down” is the creation of published author Shelley M. Fisher, Ph.D., an independent real estate investor who owns Fisher Solutions LLC, an associate minister, and a member of Interfaith Clergy Council and other spiritual and writing networks. Her career spanned 40 years in Gary Community School Corporation as a teacher, trainer, curriculum writer, and principal. Afterward, she taught organizational behavior at a local university. Her passion is to see people attain their God-ordained destiny.

Dr. Fisher shares, “In a time when leadership seems to be in the throes of despair, Nehemiah’s leadership journey is refreshing. At the onset of the book that bears his name he is serving; exemplary leaders serve. The book depicts the ethical dimensions of leadership, as Nehemiah shows compassion for the plight of his people because the walls were down, putting them in imminent danger. We learn that effective leaders do not compromise their values, and they confront improprieties both within and outside of the organization.

“Nehemiah displayed many attributes of an effective leader—risk-taker, for example. The law of the land forbade a person from going before the king with a sad countenance; however, Nehemiah, the risk-taker, prayed and received favor from the king despite his sad countenance. In surmounting the challenge of rebuilding the walls, he demonstrates the role of the administrator by:



Goal-setting and strategizing;

Using excellent communication skills;

Team building; and

Mediating conflict.

“Nehemiah demonstrates how to deal with conflict. Since conflict is inevitable, it is important for leaders to know how to resolve it. I Can’t Come Down displays Nehemiah’s focus and perseverance on the task.

“He shows how to structure tasks with diverse groups—mayors, priests, people of all backgrounds, including women—worked collectively to accomplish the completion of the walls in fifty-two days.

“The ageless principles of leadership comingle with contemporary organizational theory. Albert Bandura highlights agency, self-efficacy, collective and leadership efficacy as key factors in motivation. Organizational theorists view leaders today through the five lenses of motivation, communication, politics, structure, and design.

“Finally, the reader is challenged to become proactive in his own community by participation, persuasion, and prayer. The concept of positive deviance is suggested as viable for solving problems in neighborhoods. It is a misnomer to think in terms of sacred and secular, for God is Creator of everything.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Shelley M. Fisher, Ph.D’s new book is a challenging guide that will dare the readers to move by participation, persuasion, and prayer.

Copies can be purchased at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

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