Attorney General Madigan reminds families to check sex offender registry to plan safe trick-or-treat routes

As Halloween approaches, Attorney General Lisa Madigan reminded parents and guardians to check the state’s sex offender registry and with their local law enforcement agency before determining trick-or-treat routes for their children.

“The number of known sex offenders throughout Illinois is extremely alarming, and they do not live in any one neighborhood or community; they live in every part of our state. A good way for parents, grandparents and caregivers to ensure their little ghouls enjoy a safe night of candy and fun is to check the Illinois online sex offender registry before going out trick-or-treating,” Madigan said.

Madigan noted that Illinois law prohibits all sex offenders who committed a crime against a child from distributing candy or others items to children on Halloween. Sex offenders on parole, mandatory supervised release and probation may have other conditions imposed upon them to protect the public. They may be prohibited from having their porch lights on and from leaving their homes, except for verified work purposes.

As of October 2017, there were more than 30,200 registered sex offenders listed on the Illinois Sex Offender Registry, and more than 24,700 of those committed a crime against a child. The registry is administered by the Illinois State Police.


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