Airport takes steps towards permanent customs facility

Gary/Chicago International Airport (GCIA) continues to affirm its position as the region’s premier mid-sized airport.

GCIA announced it has received all necessary design approvals from the federal government to construct a new General Aviation Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) facility at the airport.  With this approval in hand, the airport has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a professional construction management (CM) firm to provide bidding and inspection services and management of the construction of the new facility at the airport.

“The construction of a new, permanent General Aviation customs facility is the next step in growing GCIA and realizing our full potential,” said Gary/Chicago International Airport Authority Chairman Stephen Mays. “I am thrilled we will soon be able to offer this service to the general aviation community and increase the universe of potential airport users who will be able to fly into the airport from any destination in the world without having to stop somewhere else to first clear customs.”

GCIA extended its main runway to 8,859 feet in 2015. There has been a near 16% year-to-date increase in operations compared to this time in 2014 before the extended runway opened. Additionally, there has been a 27% year-to-date increase in fuel flowage compared to this time in 2014, an indicator of larger planes taking on more fuel and utilizing the extended runway to travel further distances.

While planes departing from GCIA can and are traveling to destinations across the globe, incoming flights from international destinations must currently land and clear customs at competing airports before returning to GCIA.  An onsite CBP facility will allow the airport to handle incoming international flights, better meet the needs of the airport’s current tenants and expand and take advantage of general aviation and cargo opportunities.

“Gary/Chicago International Airport is an enormous resource to the region and the construction of a new customs facility will improve the airport’s ability to compete and attract new fliers while enhancing our marketability to the corporate, cargo and general aviation flying communities,” said GCIA Executive Director Dan Vicari.

Earlier this year, the GCIA Authority retained NGC Corp as the new customs facility’s architect of record.  NGC has prepared plans and specifications that have been reviewed and approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The selected CM consultant will coordinate with the GCIA Authority and NGC on all aspects of the construction project, including the identification, management and coordination of subcontractors and working with affected agencies to ensure all security requirements are met.

All inquiries and questions related to the RFP must be submitted to the airport in writing no later than August 23, 2017 via fax or e-mail to: Duane Hayden, Gary/Chicago International Airport, (fax) (219) 949-0573 or [email protected]. Final RFP responses are due by 1:00 PM CST on September 1, 2017.

The RFP and copies of the plans and specifications for the project is available to interested firms at the Administrative Offices of the Gary/ Chicago International Airport at 6001 Airport Road, Gary, IN (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) for a non-refundable deposit of $100.00.

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