Airport Authority chairman to address chamber luncheon

The Gary Chamber of Commerce recently announce the guest speaker for their monthly General Membership Meeting/Luncheon Pete Visclosky, Chairman of the Gary/Chicago International Airport Authority (GCIAA), on Monday, April 11, 2022, 12:00 Noon, at Hard Rock Casino Northern Indiana Council Oak Steak House, 5400W. 29th Avenue, Gary.

Pete Visclosky, the former Congressman, who represented the 1st Congressional District for more than 30 years, was recently appoint by Governor Eric J. Holcomb, chairman of the GCIAA. The membership will welcome Pete and hear about some of the major projects he was responsible for and of course his vision for the Gary/Chicago International Airport.

The meeting/luncheon is open to all interested parties with a cost of $25 per person.

Call the Chamber office (219) 885-7407 to reserve your seat(s).

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