African American mothers to campaign for Hillary Clinton

Hillary for America announced Feb. 9, that Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; Maria Hamilton, mother of Dontre Hamilton; and Lucy McBath, mother of Jordan Davis; will campaign for Hillary Clinton over the coming weeks.

Maria Hamilton will be a guest of Clinton at the Milwaukee debate on February 11th.

Some of the mothers will travel to Charleston, South Carolina, to discuss what’s at stake in this election for African American families, and the epidemic of gun violence which demands common sense gun reforms. As President Obama stated last month, Americans should vote based on a candidate’s record and willingness to take on the gun lobby. Unfortunately, throughout his career, Senator Sanders has failed to meet the President’s test, and when it mattered, he has been a consistent vote for the NRA.

Clinton met with these mothers in November and discussed the need to deliver real reforms that can be felt on our streets and that can rebuild the bonds of trust in our communities.

Additional details about these trips will be released in the coming days.

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