AAMA passes resolution to address Black maternal health crisis

Recently, the African American Mayors Association (AAMA) passed a resolution that commits its mayors to working with local health officials and community health organizations to develop an action plan to reduce disparities in maternal health outcomes, especially as it relates to Black women.

“Our country is currently facing a Black maternal health crisis because according to the CDC, Black mothers are dying at a staggering three to four times the rate of white mothers, and something must be done to remedy this issue,” said Mayor Oliver Gilbert, President of the African American Mayors Association. “As mayors, we’re committed to doing everything within our power to ensure that all women, especially Black women, have equal access to quality and affordable health care to ensure safe pregnancies. This is why we passed a resolution to not only show our commitment to addressing this issue, but also reinforce that we will work diligently to reduce racial disparities in maternal health outcomes.”

The resolution that was passed calls for members of AAMA to work through the local, state, and federal legislative processes to ensure maternal mortality rates for African American women are closely monitored and adequate precautionary measures are enacted. In addition, AAMA will support funding for the Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Program, which provides funding for communities to work towards reducing infant mortality, and improve the health of pregnant women.

This resolution comes after Mayor Bowser announced earlier this year that she’s hosting a Maternal and Infant Health Summit in Washington, DC in September with mayors and leaders from across the country, including the African American Mayors Association.

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