A Georgia city proclaimed April as Confederate History Month. Then came the n-word.

By Kristine Phillips, washingtonpost.com

A former elected official used the n-word several times during a public meeting, offending a black member of a Georgia city’s board of commissioners.

The tense exchange between the two men happened on the same day that the Atlanta suburb of Griffin, Ga., declared April as Confederate History Month. While speaking about the declaration during the public comments portion of the meeting, Larry Johnson, a former member of the board who is white, immediately turned his attention to Rodney McCord, who appears to be one of two black officials at the table.

What began as harmless reminiscing of their differences back when they were serving as city officials together quickly escalated when Johnson reminded McCord of a conversation he said they once had about race.

Read more at https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2018/04/04/a-georgia-city-proclaimed-april-as-confederate-history-month-then-came-the-n-word/?utm_term=.18721a37d2e0

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