$650,000 Lucky Day Lotto Jackpot Won in Schaumburg

A Shell gas station in the northwestern suburb of Chicago is buzzing with excitement after selling a $650,000 winning Lucky Day Lotto® ticket over the weekend.

The winning ticket was sold at Shell Food Mart, located at 750 E. Higgins Rd. in Schaumburg, and matchedall five numbers in the Saturday, February 12 midday drawing: 5-21-28-30-40.

“A customer that frequently shops at our store called on Saturday after the midday drawing to let us know that our store sold the $650,000 Lucky Day Lotto Jackpot ticket,” said Hector Torre, store cashier at ShellFood Mart in Schaumburg. “Since then, I’ve been asking all my regular customers that have come into thestore to check their tickets – so far no luck.”

This isn’t the first time that this gas station has sold a big prize Lottery ticket, and the store owner says it’s evenmore fun the second time around.

“We sold an instant ticket several years ago worth $1 million so we’ve gone through this before – it’s very exciting because it adds an element of mystery. We’re all trying to figure out who the lucky winner might be,”said Margie Heidner, store owner. “Hector has narrowed it down to three potential customers – they’re all regular Lucky Day Lotto players and they haven’t been to the store since the Saturday drawing – we’re allhoping that it’s one of them.”

For selling the winning ticket, the retailer will receive a bonus of one percent of the prize amount. For Heidner, that means a bonus of $6,500 for selling the winning ticket.

Nearly 14,500 other prizes, ranging from $1 to $200, were won in Saturday midday’s Lucky Day Lotto drawing.

The Illinois Lottery encourages all lucky winners to write their name on the back of their ticket and keepit in a safe place until they’re ready to claim their prize. Winners should visit IllinoisLottery.com/winningto learn how to claim their prizes.

Winners have one year from the date of the winning draw in which to claim their prize.

Lucky Day Lotto is played twice a day, seven days a week. For more information or to buy tickets online,please visit illinoislottery.com.

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