50% of Millennials would give up their right to vote to get student loans erased

By fox32chicago.com

As the staggering national student loan debt tally sits at an all-time high of $1.33 trillion, according to the Department of Education, many Millennials say they would go to extreme lengths to wipe their slate clean.

According to a new survey from Credible, a personal finance website, 50% of all respondents (ages 18-34) said they would give up their right to vote during the next two presidential elections in order to never have to make another loan payment again.

Other extremes include a willingness to ditch ride-sharing services like Uber or Lyft (44%) and giving up travel outside of the country for five years (42%) to have student loans forgiven.

Read more at http://www.fox32chicago.com/news/national/50-of-millennials-would-give-up-their-right-to-vote-to-get-student-loans-erased

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