5 Women who died from butt injections

By Jenny A. Casiano, blackdoctor.org

Many women have died from illegal cosmetic procedures performed by doctors who claim to be licensed, but in reality are just unlicensed everyday people who have a syringe and no conscious.

Butt injections can either be made from your own fat, which is taken from another part of your body, or they can be made of foreign substances, like silicone. Foreign substances may also include free silicone, hydrogels, oils and saline.

Fat injections and silicone implants are offered throughout cosmetic surgery practices around the country. However, many fraudulent “doctors” are performing butt injections with something called free silicone — that means the silicone is in liquid form, rather than packaged like an implant. It is simply the liquid inside the implant.

Read more at https://blackdoctor.org/514330/5-women-who-died-from-butt-injections/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BDO%20-%2012-15-17&utm_content=BDO%20-%2012-15-17+CID_33580068d8f44be4697b9f486d572566&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=5%20Black%20Women%20Who%20Died%20From%20Butt%20Injections

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