214 Indiana cities to share more than $126M for road projects

Governor Eric J. Holcomb and Indiana Department of Transportation Commissioner Joe McGuinness recently announced 214 Indiana cities, towns, and counties received a combined $126.5 million in state matching funds for local road projects through the Next Level Roads: Community Crossings Initiative.

“Hoosier communities are able to take on more needed road work and do it in record time thanks to Community Crossings,” Gov. Holcomb said. “Our commitment to partnering with cities, towns, and counties on vital infrastructure helps build strong communities poised for investment and job growth.”

The Community Crossings Initiative has provided more than $738 million in state matching funds for construction projects. The latest round garnered more applications than dollars available—making the call for projects highly competitive. In response to local requests to help manage project flow, INDOT now accepts applications in both January and July, with a $1 million cap annually per community. An estimated $100 million will be available for communities opting to apply during the July 2020 call for projects.

“INDOT’s mission is to build and maintain Indiana’s transportation to grow our economy and enhance the quality of life in Indiana,” said McGuinness. “Through Community Crossings we’re able to take that commitment to local roads, not just our highways. This sustained investment by the state makes sure that the Crossroads of America is maintained from the first mile to the last mile.”

To qualify for funding, local governments must provide local matching funds, 50 percent for larger communities or 25 percent for smaller communities, from a funding source approved for road and bridge construction. They must also submit an INDOT-approved asset management plan for maintaining existing roads and bridges. State law requires annually that 50 percent of the available matching funds be awarded to communities within counties with a population of 50,000 or fewer. State lawmakers identified long-term funding for Community Crossings as part of House Enrolled Act 1002, passed by the legislature and signed into law by Gov. Holcomb in April 2017.

The list of all communities receiving matching funds in the 2020 January call for projects is online at www.in.gov/indot/communitycrossings.

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About Next Level Roads

“With a sustainable, data-driven plan in place to fund roads and bridges, Hoosiers can rest assured that Indiana will remain the Crossroads of America for generations to come.” – Governor Eric J. Holcomb

Governor Holcomb’s Next Level Roads plan is a fully-funded, data-driven investment in Indiana’s transportation infrastructure. Implemented in 2017, Next Level Roads dedicates more than $60 billion to construction and maintenance projects for at least the next 20 years to improve and maintain Indiana’s state highways, finish major projects, and plan for the future. The plan fosters partnerships between the state and Hoosier cities, towns, and counties to deliver high-priority local road projects. Next Level Roads is enhancing Indiana’s economic edge and the quality of life for all Hoosiers. View our interactive Next Level Roads construction map at www.nextlevelroads. com.

About the Indiana Department of Transportation

Over the past 100 years, INDOT has transformed the state of Indiana into the Crossroads of America we know today. With six district offices and 3,500 employees, the agency is responsible for constructing and maintaining more than 29,000 lane miles of highways, more than 5,700 bridges, and supporting 4,500 rail miles and 117 airports across the state. Indiana once again ranked #1 in the U.S. for infrastructure in CNBC’s 2019 “America’s Top States for Business” ranking. Learn more about INDOT at in.gov/indot.

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