2018 December nursing graduates honored during Pinning Ceremony

Northwestern College’s Violet L. Schumacher School of Nursing held a pinning ceremony for its December Nursing graduates on Saturday, December 8. This traditional ceremony marks the formal induction of a student into the Nursing profession. Thirty (30) Northwestern College Nursing students graduated this quarter and were eligible to participate.

The pinning ceremony took place in the auditorium of Northwestern College’s Bridgeview Campus where the Violet L. Schumacher School of Nursing is located. Students, staff and faculty all played a part in the ceremony; the College’s Chief Executive Officer, Dimitrios Kriaras, served as the master of ceremonies and introduced the speakers as well as the various segments of the ceremony.

The 30 graduates of the December 2018 Class of the Violet L. Schumacher School of Nursing include: Amber S. Benn; Shenika L. Bohannon; Shemeka D. Booker; Florence Caesar; Amelia A. Carter; Lashonda M. Cox; Kimberly Eddings; Susan N. Esparza; Jessica Estrada; Leslie Finch; Kimkishia Fonder; Myriam H. Gage; Erika L. Harper; Teonja Hazziez; Jamillah S. Jackson; Rachel Kimbrough; Mark A. Kirksy; Kisha Liggins; Ashley M. Nowacki; Gilbert E. Robinson; Michelle C. Rodriguez; Evalena L. Scott; Berenice Simpson; Lidora M. Stephens; Aries L. Thomas; Kiaria Thomas; Tanasia C. Thompson; Renesse I. White; Deanna Williams; and Brittney A. Woodworth.

Graduate Nurses Tanasia C. Thompson, Evalena L. Scott, and Florence Caesar served as the three  student speakers selected to represent the Class at the ceremony.

The Nursing Pinning Ceremony featured the traditional presentation of pins to each individual graduate. Lead Faculty, Lauren Spraggins, pinned each of the graduates following a presentation of the history of the pinning ceremony given by Dr. Diann Martin, Dean of Nursing.

The ceremony featured the lighting of a candle held by a lantern, symbolizing the passing of the flame from the founder of professional nursing, Florence Nightingale. Adjunct Nursing Faculty Member Sheila Martin and Nursing Simulation/Lab Coordinator Mary Louise Saindon lit the first candles. Then they passed each of their flames to a graduate nurse, who then passed along their flames to the classmate beside them, one by one passing the flame and lighting each graduate’s individual lanterns. When all lanterns were lit, Adjunct Nursing Faculty Member Jacqueline Brooks led the graduates in the recitation of the Nurses Oath, Florence Nightingale’s Pledge. The event concluded with a reception hosted by the College and the Student Nurses Association (SNA), with several SNA members serving as hosts.

Students that successfully complete the Nursing Program of the Violet L. Schumacher School of Nursing will have earned their Associate of Applied Science Degrees in Nursing, and upon passage of the NCLEX-RN licensure examination, will receive the Registered Nurse (RN) designation. Students that completed their coursework at the end of the fall quarter are eligible to sit for the upcoming NCLEX exam.

Interested Nursing students that enroll at the Violet L. Schumacher School of Nursing can begin their Nursing Programs during any of the College’s four quarters – Fall (September), Winter (January), Spring (April), and Summer (June). At the end of each quarter, those Nursing students that complete their studies and graduate are eligible to participate in the traditional pinning ceremony, which is hosted four times yearly.

The Violet L. Schumacher School of Nursing opened in the Fall of 2010 and was named for a 1930’s student of Northwestern College (formerly known as Northwestern Business College from 1902-2008) who later became an employee, and then finally purchased the College in 1958. Violet Schumacher was a visionary who advocated for students seeking higher education and served as President Emeritus of the College until her death in 2013 at the age of 98. Her son Lawrence Schumacher has served as Northwestern College’s President since 1978. During this most recent pinning ceremony, Nursing Dean Martin presented a brief history of the College and a summary of the life of the School of Nursing’s namesake, Violet Schumacher.

About Northwestern College:

Northwestern College (NC) is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, 230 S. LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604, (312) 263-0456, www.hlcommission.org. The college offers focused career-oriented associate degree and certificate programs with flexible schedules and a supportive faculty. Day, evening, weekend, online classes and online programs are available. More information can be found at www.NC.edu or by calling toll-free (888) 205-2283.

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