1,000 volunteers needed for “Building Blocks” Blight Buster Day

The city of Gary’s Blight Buster Day is back and the city is once again looking for 1000 volunteers to participate in the Gary for Life “Building Blocks” Blight Buster Day, the first Saturday in May!

Gary citizens, youth groups, community organizations, educational institutions, sororities, fraternities, faith-based organizations, block clubs, businesses, neighbors are all urged to register as a volunteer to help the city continue its fight against blight in the city on Saturday, May 7, 2016. This Spring cleanup will concentrate on BROADWAY, from 4th Avenue to 53rd Avenue. Businesses on Broadway are also asked to commit to the effort by cleaning up around their businesses and in the vicinity on Blight Buster Day.

Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson says, “We are encouraging our community and businesses to come together on May 7th to help us in this cleanup. We want to make a difference in our city and we need the support of every individual willing to give a few hours of time and energy. There is something to do for everybody. So please meet us at the Genesis Center on the 7th.”

Advance Registration for individuals, groups and businesses is encouraged by clicking logging on to the city websites: www.teamgaryindiana.com or www.gary.in.us.

On-line Registration deadline is April 25, but will also be available at 7:00 a.m. on May 7th. A Blight Buster Rally will kick off the day at 7:00 a.m. at the Genesis Convention Center, 1 Genesis Center Plaza where assignments and safety materials will be provided. Volunteers may bring items such as rakes and brooms and other supplies. The Cleanup will be from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

The City has teamed up with Sage Popovich, Advance Construction Services, JMD Construction D & R Site Services, the Gary Sanitary District, Republic Steel, Reith Riley Construction, the Gary Common Council and other local businesses in this blight elimination initiative. Sponsorship, Monetary and Food Donations are very much needed.

For more information contact the Mayor’s Office of Constituent Services at [email protected] or by calling LaShawn Brooks, Director at 219-881-4815.

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